Wk 13 — Art Activity — Portfolio Research

Jose Avila
2 min readNov 22, 2020

https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/4506 LAUSD

San Diego Unified School District https://sandiegounified.org/

Sacramento City Unified School District https://www.scusd.edu/

My current goal is to become a Spanish teacher, either at a high school or elementary school. I feel like these companies are the best to find employment for teachers wanting to work at a public school. Now, there are many different districts depending where you live, but the process is similar. These websites/companies are also nice because they offer different positions and in various places/schools around the area. I personally also like the idea of becoming a substitute teacher, the process is a bit different from a regular teacher, but I would most likely find employment with these companies. Other places to consider would be the school specifically, and the grade level. Different grade levels as well as schools require different things, whether it is more or less.


I had some trouble finding Spanish teacher resumes, I found this website that had many teacher blogs and websites. These blogs are really nice, teachers describe their year routines, what they do and when in the year they do it. It’s really nice seeing what each of them does, and still continuing to follow the guidelines of what they have to cover. It would be nice and also sort of necessary to be physically in a class and experience what a teacher does, it would give it more natural feeling. I will definitely continue to read more blogs about their journey teaching and as time gets closer, I would definitely be writing more tips and ideas to make teaching more fun.

