WK9- Art Activity- Student Choice, Part 2

Jose Avila
Oct 23, 2020
Wild Horse

My original vision was to create a sort of illusion with the horse and the trees. I feel like I accomplished that, I just feel like it needs more greens and more grass. I feel like it was definitely a success, it might have turned out different than the original idea, but I like it. I feel like my project definitely got weaker due to the amount of time I had. I am currently moving homes and that is taking most of my time and also currently working. I was trying to explore my painting ability, and also being able to draw a horse because I first sketched it. I feel like I did achieve my goal, the horse turned out really good as well as the whole painting. If I did this project again, I would give it more time to add more shades to make it more realistic.

